Month: June 2020

Utilization of tiktok does have both pros and cons:

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Utilization of tiktok does have both pros and cons:

Currently, there is the most discussing media now is a tiktok. You can see the usage of this media in celebrities, common individuals and even kids are also using it widely.  There is no problem with individuals but parents have to take care of their kids while creating or uploading certain videos on their tiktok profiles. Besides that, you can download the trending videos using apps downloaded from Google play store or from any app stores like that. Especially downloading for free videos is even possible with some free video downloader tools like ttsaver. After downloading, the videos will be saved in your smart device download folder by default.

Utilization of tiktok does have both pros and cons:

Let’s see some advantages and disadvantages in using tiktok:

Pros of tiktok usage:

It is mostly used social media platform everywhere. You can see more number of videos and can make comments on it. If it is really good to save on your device, just downloading it using downloading tools like ttsaver. It is extremely extraordinary media where you can spend your free time on revealing your hidden talent to your friends. There are number of advantages with this platform but making use of it is equally important. It can be used for fun and for marketing businesses as well.

Cons to know:

Generally there is no means of disadvantages with this tiktok unless and until if you use in a proper way. For example, some people those who love this social media will keep on doing videos unnecessarily to highlight them and want to be a celebrity of a day like that. It is not entertain able actually where you are wasting your crucial time in spending long hours of time to this platform only. Some may also making videos unnecessarily with movie themes or reality show themes to project their talent. But why these people never think of a moment as they are copying the other celebrities.  Of course, it just for fun but it is not granted every time. Moreover you couldn’t see the actual talent within you even using this popular social media. Here majority of people spare their precious time on shooting the video and spending much amount of money for it to get their video trending. This kind of activities is not advisable instead use this media for fun and for bringing up creative talent people. It doesn’t mean that spending excess of money and time on it besides leaving your precious time in knowing and learning valuable information. It is better do some informative videos in a more creative way.


There are many advantages and disadvantages in using this tiktok social media platform. Based on your interest, it sounds good till you use for good sake and limited for healthy fun and entertainment.

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