Things You Need To Learn About Carol Quilt

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Carol Quilts is a vocational training school for quilt-making owned by Carol Wilhoit. Carol has been teaching quilt-making for the last 10 years but Carol has been practicing and nurturing the quilt-making skills for the last 40 years. Apart from making different types of quilts or small quilt projects this teaching school also train individuals in making zipper bags, tote bags, table runners, and table mats. This school is located in the city of Wheaton in Illinois, USA. In this article, the readers and the viewers will learn about the different carol quilt pattern in the classes organized by The art of quilt-making evolved in Europe in the 12th century. The inhabitants of Europe bought the culture of quilt-making in the United States of America.

Types of quilt patterns you will learn in

  • Machine quilting with metallic threads- this pattern is done on quilts to give out effects. Quilting using this method does not need anything abnormal but a simple needle, metallic thread, thread path, and sewing machine. This metallic thread pattern for quilting is applied in walking foot quilting, free motion quilting, bobbin quilting, and machine embroidery in quilts.
  • Walking foot quilting- under this pattern which in runners and totes apart from making quilts. This is also referred to as an even feed or dual feed foot quilting pattern. Under this pattern form several pieces of cloth cut in thick long strips are sewed together in rectangular or square shapes. The cloth pieces should be different from one another.
  • Appliqué quilts– under this quilt pattern system ca piece of cloth mainly cotton or silk is cut into hexagonal, circles or triangles or square, or diamond shapes and then sewed on the upper side of the main quilt making it look colorful. This type of pattern is seen in quilts like Baltimore Album, Hawaiian style, and sampler.
  • Crazy quilts– under this quilt pattern the rough pieces of cloth of different quality or patterns are sewn all together. This form of quilt pattern evolved in the Victorian era.

To conclude, the above-mentioned article clearly defines the purpose of Carol quilt making classes and the different quilt patterns taught here.

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